It is the buzz word in the IT world these days, but how can Cloud Computing help your business?

Everybody seems to be using a Cloud based system in some form or another but why should your business move to the Cloud? Here are some of the reasons to consider shifting your system to a Cloud set up.

Work from Anywhere

Probably the greatest reason to move to the Cloud is that it gives you the flexibility to work from anywhere you can get an internet connection. This means you can work from the office, work from home or even work from your local coffee shop. As long as you can get a decent internet connection you can use the Cloud. It even works on 3G networks! This gives businesses the flexibility to have their employees work where and when they can. If they can’t get into the office because of the weather then no there are no excuses.

Low Costs

This is seen as one of the main reasons of moving to the Cloud. Moving to a Cloud based system means there are no large upfront costs. The average server installation can range from anywhere between £6k and £8k. Yes, there are ongoing costs linked to using the Cloud but they seem minuscule when you look at the alternative of buying a brand new physical server.

Setup Time

When the time comes for a business to upgrade their system it can take months to spec the system that will be replacing it. If a company decides their next step should be to the Cloud then this will cut the setup time. The system they will be moving to is already built and up and running. This means the only time needed for the setup is the time it will take to migrate all of their data off of the old system to the new Cloud system.


The great thing about the Cloud is that it moves with the size of your business. If you add people to your team it is easy enough to include them in your Cloud set up with no need for major hardware or software costs. The same goes for a decrease in your company size. If you have to downsize your workforce for any reason you can scale back your use of the Cloud.


The biggest concern with Cloud Computing is how secure it really is. The truth is Cloud systems are just as secure as onsite systems. In fact, Cloud systems can be seen as more secure as there is a greater emphasis on security than there might be with onsite systems.

These are just some of the many reasons to move to the Cloud. Some of the reasons will suit your business better than others. You may like the flexibility of working from anywhere or maybe the size of your workforce changes frequently. Whatever the reason the Cloud seems to have it covered.

Talk to us at Central Computer Support if you need any help deciding whether the Cloud is the right move for your business.

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