Are you on the lookout for a new laptop for your business? There are so many different choices out there, how on earth do you pick what’s right for you?


Undoubtedly, the general go to laptop for business is a cheap Windows machine, where you can be kitted out for only a few hundred pounds. This will run all the Microsoft based software you need, allowing you to navigate the web easily.

Be aware these are usually on the heavy side and build quality might not be as good. Do you really want to be carrying about a slab of a computer? You could push the boat out slightly and go for a something a little slimmer and sleek while still on the Windows platform.


What about an Apple MacBook? There’s many different choices, depending on your needs: The crazy light “Air”, the powerful “Pro” and the choice between a 13 inch screen (for ultimate portability) or a 15 inch screen (for more desktop real estate).

These laptops will be more powerful than the budget Windows machines, but are of course more expensive. With this cost you will see a higher build quality and a greater product life. This will mean less money being spent on any future repairs, so it might be worth spending that little bit extra! The Apple operating system is a bit of a learning curve If you’ve always ran Windows but it becomes very intuitive and its fans swear by them.


Another solution could be a tablet. If you want a tablet to fully replace a laptop you will need one with a built in keyboard. just using a tablet on its own will prove challenging when it comes to typing documents. They are by far the most portable of computers though so if this benefit is your number one reason for choosing a laptop then maybe a tablet is right for you. Just don’t expect to run your entire business from one just yet.


  • A cheap Windows laptop with a low lifespan and quite heavy.
  • Slightly more expensive Windows laptop for more power with less size and weight
  • Apple MacBook for the most impressive (and most expensive) experience
  • If it’s for simple surfing the internet, sending emails and document editing; why not consider a tablet instead for ultimate portability.

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