As a business, you’ve likely experienced some sort of downtime when it comes to your IT systems. It can be as small as your laptop failing or as huge as a server meltdown that takes all of your data with it! It’s all relative though as businesses of all sizes are affected by IT interruption. Not only does it affect your productivity but it will affect your customers and eventually begin hurting your profit. But what can you do to make sure your business suffers the least amount of downtime possible?

The first thing to do is think of how you will manage all of your IT needs. This might involve a simple clean out of your computer every couple of months or might require you to outsource support to a IT support company.  The important thing is you understand what level of support is required to handle your IT.

The next thing to consider is putting a disaster recovery plan in place. You need to know if your primary IT equipment fails you can get back up and running as quickly as possible. This can be fixes for broken components, replacement parts on next day delivery or guaranteed SLAs with your support company.

You should also make sure you are taking regular backups of your data. This should include both a local backup to an external device and an offsite backup (normally with your IT support company).  This means that if you suffer data loss during any downtime you can get quick access to your data from your latest backup. Offsite backup systems normally backup every 24hrs. This can effectively save your company from losing money or going out of business entirely.

If you are unsure of how to react during IT downtime, then speak to a local IT support company. They can guide you on putting a recovery plan in place, provide ongoing support and set you up with a suitable data backup plan. This might sound like a big investment but can you really put a price on your business surviving an IT meltdown?

If you would like any advice on getting your disaster recovery plan in place then please get in touch.

David Early
Central Computer Support

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